About the MDA

Founded in 1999, the Morgan Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit National Service Organization of the American Morgan Horse Association. The MDA’s goal is to support the needs of horsemen and women who train, compete, breed and promote Morgans in one of the fastest growing equine sports – dressage.

Morgans are making their mark in this exciting and demanding sport as they are increasingly being seen as wonderful dressage mounts that are especially suited by temperament, size and athleticism for juniors and serious amateur competitors. The MDA boasts members across the United States and Canada that include United States Dressage Federation All-Breeds Award winners, USEF Horses of the Year, and AMHA Open Competition Champions.  MDA members also include many riders who rarely compete in the show venue, but instead focus on the personal rewards offered by dressage in the comfort of their own barns and backyards.

“I have enjoyed working with MDA because it is an organization that is dedicated to promoting the Morgan breed in dressage and helping riders reach their goals,” says Sally Anderson who has competed two Morgans: Mehr’s Eloqince and Iron Forge Starman, to Grand Prix and is currently campaigning Flower of Alliance at Intermediate II. Sally feels Morgans are an excellent dressage partner because of their superb work ethic, longevity and more importantly, willingness to please. “You can have a talented horse, but if they don’t want to please you and work hard that talent is wasted.”

We believe in promoting Morgans in all aspects of dressage.  All of these are equally valuable, and all are equally necessary to continue to grow Morgan participation in our sport:

  • Those who show in open competition with other breeds (at all levels)
  • Those who show in the dressage divisions of Morgan shows (at all levels)
  • Those who breed Morgans who compete in dressage (at all levels)
  • Those who do not compete or breed but appreciate and support Morgans in dressage
  • Professionals, amateurs and youth in all of the above categories

Our organization seeks and values members who participate in all aspects of dressage. We aim to offer value to all  our members, through a variety of programs and a combination of community, education and recognition.

The Association recognizes its members achievements in competition by its year-end Awards of Excellence, as well as helping MDA members continue their education in dressage on their Morgans through its scholarship program—the only program of its kind among the AMHA National Service Organizations.

In addition to its unique awards and scholarships, the MDA provides its membership educational information geared toward helping dressage riders with their Morgans in the sport through the MDA Newsletter, an e-bulletin that is emailed to members twelve times year.  The MDA also has a Facebook page that highlights the successes of Morgans and Morgan-crosses in dressage and interacts with members, an Instagram account, and a YouTube account where we post educational videos exclusively for members and videos of Morgans performing dressage.

For more information on membership in the MDA and a membership application, please go to how to join the MDA.

The Morgan Dressage Association is incorporated in the state of Connecticut. Our by-laws can be found here.