If you ride a Morgan in dressage and want to share your passion and enthusiasm for dressage Morgans, whether you ride for show or for pleasure, the Morgan Dressage Association invites you to become a member. AMHA membership is not a requirement.
The satisfaction that you are supporting Morgans and their dedicated riders in one of the fastest growing equine sports—dressage! And…
• Updates and news on Morgans and dressage through the MDA Newsletter, an e-bulletin that is emailed to members twelve times year
• Listing and special advertising options on our on-line directory
• Eligibility for year-end “Awards of Excellence” and “Schooling Show Awards of Excellence”
• Eligibility for annual MDA Scholarships
• Free classified advertisement listings in the newsletter and on the website
Joining or renewing your membership with the MDA is easy. Just fill out an online Membership Application Form, and then submit payment via PayPal using the links below or mail payment by check to the address below. If you prefer, you may print and send this printable membership application with payment.
Morgan Dressage Association
5243 37th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126
Email: memberships@morgandressage.org
Annual dues (membership year is January 1 – December 31. Dues paid after October 31 will count towards the following year unless the member requests otherwise) are below, with links to pay using PayPal™.
*Early-Bird Discount; A $5 discount in dues if membership received on or before March 31*
Junior/Youth–$15 ($10); (Rider under the age of 18)
Family/Farm–$40 ($35) (two or more living in the same household)
Patron–$100 (Thank you for your $60 tax deductible donation!)
Please note. Memberships that are received through PayPal™ without completing an online membership application may be processed incorrectly.
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